Promoting a more equitable Marin county

To help us keep you informed about recent activities in your town, please add you email below. We promise to send you info of interest – occasionally. We will never distribute your information. We hate spam also.

We are working on bringing you the latest information regarding rent control and housing issues in Marin. As a group of Marin residents, housing providers and homeowners, we feel strongly about a fair approach to housing affordability that provides protections for homeowners, housing providers and renters.

We are in the process of adding content for communities in Marin. Please select the Town on the menu above, for specific information. We encourage you to also visit our Summary and Resources pages for additional information.

Why Rent Control Doesn’t Work (2024 Audio Edition) – Freakonomics

Check out the above link to a new audio article. Very well researched and presented.

Latest- General: A comprehensive review of numerous rent control studies indicates a variety of negative effects for home owners, renters, and the communities with rent control. Click here to see the study.


San Anselmo:

See us on the Avenue! Every Friday and Saturday, we have a table giving out information to any interested person who is visiting and walking the San Anselmo Avenue during the evenings.

Please check out our San Anselmo Page for more info


As of May 2024, the DSA has turned in an initiative petition for the most onerous extra rent control so far in Marin. At the June 17th City Council Meeting, they will be discussing the negative financial consequences of this initiative if passed in Nov. Please see the Larkspur page for more info.

Fairfax: The recall of Council Members Hellman and Blash has just started.

Click here to see our Fairfax site for new updates!

See what the MarinIJ has to say about efforts around the county to counter the push for extra rent control.

May 8, 2024 article re San Anselmo and Dick Spotswood’s Opinion

Keep Informed:
All mom & pop housing providers should keep up on the changing Cal rental laws. 
Daniel Bornstein, a SF real estate lawyer, has a great 1 hr presentation that summarizes important aspects of the new 2024 CA laws.  It is very worth your time. 

Also in November 2024, there has qualified for the state ballot, an effort to repeal Costa-Hawkins – the regulation that exempts many types of mom & pop provided rental units from extra rent control.  Check out the info from this article about who is behind this repeal

And keep an eye out for our yard signs around Marin! Feel free to contact us if you want to help promote our message to help make Marin affordable and to receive a yard sign. – Free!

Because we are a residents-supported group, we are always in need of financial support to continue this outreach. We ask that if you understand how the extra rent control regulation will negatively affect homeowners, renters and housing providers in your town, that you support us in our efforts. Thank you for your support.

The Marin Residents PAC announces their education campaign to inform homeowners, housing providers and renters about some of the negative consequences of extra rent control. In April, the PAC started a TV, post card and yard sign campaign throughout Marin. Our PAC will be airing countywide ad spots on Comcast and other services to help inform residents and policy makers regarding extra rent control. Look for these ads!

We are a local group of your neighbors and we want to appeal to your generosity and better angels and ask you to contribute a few bucks to help us advance the fight.   Any amount is greatly appreciated and will be used for further outreach to homeowner, housing providers, renters, Town Council members and policy makers regarding the consequences of extra rent control.

We rely on support from the community to help keeping Marin residents informed. We appeal to your generosity to keep us going.

Thank you for your support while we reach out and inform Marin County residents.

Reach out to us at: